Ahhh Cinema4D, c'est fou ce que l'on peut faire - SPLENDIDE

2018 Pause motion response ‘Dreaveler’ Behind the Scenes

A behind the scenes of the 'Dreaveler'.

2018 Pause motion response 'Dreaveler' 
Vimeo : vimeo.com/251476384
Behance : behance.net/gallery/60973989/Dreaveler

I curuntly made a personel website! - taehoonpark.tv

Song : Toccata by OVERWERK




The future mankind has extremely extended their lifespan by highly advanced technology. The only way to meet death exist as a type of euthanasia. Death managing company ‘DREAVELER' which have researched a diversity methods of euthanasia invented a brand-new system which makes people travel their dreams and memories during REM sleep before the last sleep. The system also named ‘DREAVELER’ compound word of Dream & Travel focused on soothing people who get bored with a desolated future and filled with nostalgia for the nature of a vanished past.


Design and Produce : Taehoon Park
Character design and Modeling : Hyunsup Ahn
Synopsis and Edit : Jihoon Roh
Music and SFX : Echoic


Cinema4d, Octane, Aftereffects, Photoshop